The Awakening...
"Camouflage Smoke in the GZ is a new phenomena. Nooooo, I don’t mean the “whooshy” smoke but cig smokes. I have been here for almost three years. And in my three years I can say that 99.7% of the military that work with me are non smokers. Not only non smokers, but they have those annoying personalities where if they see you smoke they give you an hour long lecture about how “unhealthy” cigs are for you. Bla bla bla. Some even joke and tell me “Hey Neurotica, smoking will stunt your growth”. <<<<< Rolling my eyes
There are some who refuse to come out of the closet though and instead hide behind their cigars. Cigs are bad but smoking cigars isn’t, what BS. But recently I have started seeing both men and women in uniform hiding in the courtyard corner smoking. The courtyard that was once filled with just us “contractors” is now being invaded. Is it the stress that drive people to smoke? I think that’s what it is. I know a few who told me they had quit smoking for 15 or 20 years and started again when they came here. Yup, this place makes you pick up a lot of “bad” habits. I guess I need to get used to seeing smoke in camouflage."
There are some who refuse to come out of the closet though and instead hide behind their cigars. Cigs are bad but smoking cigars isn’t, what BS. But recently I have started seeing both men and women in uniform hiding in the courtyard corner smoking. The courtyard that was once filled with just us “contractors” is now being invaded. Is it the stress that drive people to smoke? I think that’s what it is. I know a few who told me they had quit smoking for 15 or 20 years and started again when they came here. Yup, this place makes you pick up a lot of “bad” habits. I guess I need to get used to seeing smoke in camouflage."
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