Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Blog is Back!

"Dear readers,
The blog is back! But this is a temporary site until I get my own website up and running, soon.

Here is the entry that I tried to post last week and I couldn’t:

THE GAME of “Iraq politics” started to irritate me, and millions of other Iraqis. Every day we realize more that what Iraq has turned into is not worth the sacrifice we’ve paid in the last five years. One of the results of that, unfortunately, is that now Iraqis compare Iraq under the dictator Saddam Hussein to the Iraqi they live in now, and believe that under Hussein the situation was much better.

But as one of them, I understand where the Iraqis come from when they make such comparison and conclusion. What the country has turned into after the invasion in 2003 gives the average Iraqi no space to think about he benefits we’ve been given by just toppling Saddam Hussein. When they compare the number of enemies and criminals in the streets now, and the number of threats they face these days to the one enemy they had under Hussein, which is the government itself, they realize that it was easier to survive under the former dictatorship than now. At least they knew the redlines and they tried not to cross them into the danger. But now, there are no redlines. Everyone is a target and for no reason. Just a target."
24 Steps to Liberty

Except that now Iraqis have a chance to win the war and forge their own future. Something they never had before.

It's also and unfair comparison from saddam to now. Now is a war. You make it sound like "now" is after the war, which is just silly

America was a big hell hole during the civil war, yet I don't hear you complaining about 600,000 people that died, or the cities that burned, Sherman's march through Georgia.


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