Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Preperations for the Next Iraqi Elections

"are underway now. The Iraqi executive branch, controlled by the 5 Sunni, Shiite, and Kurdish Separatist parties want to make sure their rivals won't win the next elections expected to take place before October. But unlike other pre-election preperations that include TV advertisements and sticking posters around the streets, the separatist Shiites in the Iraqi executive branch sends 50,000 troops to Basrah to kill their rivals (the nationalist Shiites).

what a great democracy Iraqis are enjoying!

This Bush-Maliki "preparation" started some hours after dick cheney pushed the executive branch to pass a the "provinces law" last week. The new law will decide whether Iraq will be partitioned into smaller sectarian regions, or will continue to be a united country with one central government.

Five Iraqi cities are under curfew and people from all around the country are participating in the nation-wide civil disobedience that was called for by al-sadr movement.

This Shiite-Shiite fight is an excellent example of how the Iraqi civil conflict is a political/economic one not sectarian/religious conflict as the US mainstream media and politicians has been repeating for years."
Raed in the Middle
Well what do you know, Raed is right on that point. But it begs the question who perpetrated the "political/economic" genocide on the people of Iraq. Could it be the authoritarian ba'th regime.

The same regime that offered Raed's family with special privilege, while denying the general population even the most common rights or dignity.
I'm just glad that Raed is admitting to it now publicly. Maybe he now feels that blood on his hands burning through his soul and has decided to take my advice and join a 12 step program to help heal his wounds.

Hello my name is Raed and I am a dictator enabler.


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