Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Muqtada Cries Uncle, Saddam Money Influenced Leftist Congressmen

It seems that Muqtada al-Sadr has thrown in the towel: according to this declaration allegedly signed by him, al-Sadr is ordering his followers to put down their arms and to refrain from targeting government troops. The source is Buratha News, which is affiliated with Sheikh Jalaleddin al-Saghir who is a leading parliamentarian and a member of the Supreme Islamic Council an organization that rivals, and is often in conflict with, Mr. al-Sadr. But otherwise, I have no reason to doubt the authenticity of this document; we’ll know more tomorrow.

Muthana al-Hanooti turns out to be an asset of Saddam’s intelligence service: Well, Hanooti (an Iraqi-American of Palestinian descent) had me fooled—he had convinced me at the time (we spoke over the phone a couple of times in 2001) that he wasn’t a bad guy. But he also managed to fool three Democratic congressmen who were vocal critics of America’s policy regarding Iraq. But if Saddam’s money found ways to influence the U.S. Congress and convinced certain leftist-leaning representatives to stand against the war then isn’t it reasonable to wonder who else was influenced by this sophisticated and well-funded charm campaign mounted by the Iraqi Intelligence Service? What if it wasn’t Barack Obama’s “sound judgment” that led him to oppose the war? What if he had been influenced by talking points authored in the mukhaberat’s Harthiya HQ that ended up as leftist rhetoric in Chicago?
Talisman Gate

And before you go read anything else, click right now and read Operation Cavalry Charge (Updated) to get a completely different narrative of the current situation in the south and the Shi'a on Shi'a fighting


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