Tuesday, February 19, 2008

18 February

"Today I decided to start packing things up—down to minimum essentials…I got rid of a bunch of old uniforms, gave them to our terps…I think everything will fit in the two big bags I have…I might have to mail some things home, like all the DVDs I am keeping and my guitar…I also went out to the shop and laid out in the sun for a couple hours… the weather is really nice right now, it’s still a little chilly at night, and sunny during the day…I figured I might as well work on my tan before I get back to Hawaii so I don’t get burned crispy the first few days on the beach…and I thought while I was out there laying in the sun I would also improve my brain and body—I did some push-ups and sit-ups, and studied my Air Force stuff so I can get promoted when I get back…all in all, it turned out to be a pretty productive day…"
Desert Consiousness


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