Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Tour of Arab Jabour

"By taking the time to visit places, like Iraq, I always seem to meet interesting folks after the fact. There’s a number of reasons why people write to me. Usually, though, it’s because of a connection. Sometimes that connection is a dead soldier, and when it is, it really makes me think.
Recently, a man named Ed Kirkpatrick, dropped me a note. His son, Scott, was killed in Arab Jabour back in August. He decided to write to me because he has unanswered questions about his son’s death. Since I was the first civilian he’d encountered that had been to the area, he thought, just perhaps, I could help him. He still doesn’t have any questions I can help him with, but he believes the more he knows about the place that took his son, the better his mind can be at ease for his sacrifice.

So, this is for you and your family, Ed. Maybe someone out there will see this and be able to help you more. I hope these images help you understand what it is you’re looking for.

You can find out more about Scott Kirkpatrick here:

To 1/30 soldiers: We are looking for images of the place where Sgt. Kirkpatrick and his brothers were killed. Please contact me with any help."
Battelfield Tourist
This is a new blog I found of what I think is a journalist/lightcatcher. His post are like this one I have reproduced here, with the links to the slideshows. Worth the visit


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