Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Iraq in need of action to provide security and not propaganda

"The world media after the American CBC showed nauseated pictures for orphan children in orphanage in Baghdad. Some of these pictures showed these children naked and chained to their beds. Other pictures showed that they are sleeping in groups of 5 or more in one bed. All these children were malnourished and looked that they are emotionally and may be physically abused.

On the other hand the pictures showed some American soldiers giving these children water and food! The question here who is the main cause for such orphans? Is it not the American-British occupation and wars as well as 12 years barbaric sanctions which led to thousands of orphans in Iraq?"
You know the strange thing about this post? I does not sound like sam! I think sam has been replaced. Attack of the blogger snatchers.. who the hell is this guy. Is it just me.


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