Saturday, April 28, 2007

Why Bush lost #10,045

We lost this war because we fought the war on the enemy's terms. We lost this war when we wrote that rag of a constitution. That was an attempt to appease the enemy and all we did was play right into his hands.

We should have raised the banner of freedom and wrote a real democratic constitution and invited the good people of Iraq to rally to our cause. But instead we tried to appease the enemy by writing an Islamic constitution. The Iraqis had the chance to vote. They could have voted down a truly democratic constitution, the voice of the enemy could have come out and campaigned against freedom and tried to convince a majority of the value of tyranny. We had a chance to expose them and to show the Iraqi people that we really meant business, but all we did was convince the people that the enemy was telling them the truth about our true motives.


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