Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sudden event...

"Fear is the only feeling our kids experience now days under the new democracy, my house was badly damaged by exploded fuel tank close to my house, the suicidal attacked the nearby police station.
As a Muslim I thank Allah that we are unharmed ,and my children did not injured, that was a miracle, we were in the garden at that time, my 3 years old son wasn't out yet ,he was in the hallway, two wooden doors slapped him and many glass splints , he surely got terrified, and panicked but he wasn't even scratched. He is not like ordinary child ,he feel unsecured, he don't play in his room nor sleep in it ,because he don't want to stay alone, he keep following me in the house and refuse to stay alone in any room inside our own house even for few minutes. in the last two weeks four bombed cars exploded in our neighborhood .how can I make my children feel tenable , at least in my house? how can I, if I my self don't feel secured??.."


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