Monday, December 04, 2006

Thanksgiving Day or: I don't need a miracle But I could use a push in the right direction

"My Grandparents on my Dad's side have lived in the same house in Yuba City all my life. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas cousins and uncles and aunts would gather there to eat to much, sometimes drink to much, watch football, and later - my favorite part - the men would launch into their war stories."
This is Your War II
Hey Red2Alpha of "This is your war" fame is back with a new cleverly named blog..
But the strangest part is that I just found it today, just a minuet ago. I had just replaced it as my favorite milblog yesterday. now isn't that strange... I mean that blog has been gone for like a year, and in all that time I never found a blog I thought could compete with "This is your War" till yesterday. Then today I find out Red's blogging again.

Red's back with that fucking passion that so few can put to words.
Life is unfair, then you fucking die.


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