Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Quid Pro Quo

"It's been far too long since I last wrote here. Between the internet service, which is spotty at best, and a rough mission schedule this week, I just haven't had much time. Ah, well... enough excuses.

I had the opportunity this week to be a part of several good things. It all began almost a month ago. A local sheik came to the Army unit in charge of the sector he lived in, announced his desire to fight the insurgents, and asked for help in doing so. He was received with some healthy skepticism- many people in this part of the world will say whatever they think you want to hear in order to profit from you."
Acute Politics
I know it's still early, as I just found this milblog, and I think this is only the second post, but I think he's going to be my next best favorite milblog. Congratulations!!


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