Sunday, December 17, 2006

Syrian regime preparing exile to Iran?

"In fact, according to the very well informed Kuwaiti daily Al Seyassah, the Syrian regime is quite worried of the results of the international tribunal investigating the death of former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri. Allegedly, Syrian top leaders have already transferred $3 billion to Iran on accounts owned by Iranian central bank. These accounts cannot be touched in case of UN sanctions. It makes sense that only Iran as the main Damascus's ally would accept hosting the Syrian leadership."
CT Blog
Oh god, pray it's not true. I know we all want it to be so, but I fear that a collapse of the Syrian regime would cost millions of lives at this moment in time. Not to mention giving Hizbollah a chance to acquire a real state from which to operate. Can you imagine the mischief they could engage in from the Syrian throne.


Blogger |3run0 said...

There are hardly any shiia in Syria (of the mainstream twelver kind like HA; there are significant minorities of Isamelites and Allawis [who currently run the show]). So, a HA takeover of the country is very unlikely, as it has no local base. The Muslim Brotherhood on the other hand probably has plenty of support among the sunni majority. It has been brutally suppressed by the current regime (even as it supports its offshoot, Hamas, and other sunni extremist, elsewhere), but it is probably the only organized force capable of taking over if the baathists bite the dust.

2:40 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

You know I hate to say it but if anyone is going to take over from the Ba'ath the Brotherhood probably are not the worst bad choice. Maybe they can be convinced to open the door to regular elections, and maybe a few civil rights.

8:25 PM  

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