Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Simple Answer

"Cliff May questions in The Corner why the Ethiopians are able to kill a thousand or so Somali islamic terrorists in a matter of days, when it takes the US months to do the same.
He offers two explanations: more boots on the ground (ridiculous, they can't possibly have more fighters in Somalia than we have in Afghanistan and Iraq), and less concern about the press backlash. While this second claim is not without merit (this is a brown-on-brown fight that doesn't have a clear bad guy, i.e. the US, so the MSM can't be bothered to report all the "atrocities"), such lack of concern doesn't really help you kill bad guys.
So what is the answer?
It's quite simple, and summed up by a Aden Garase, a government soldier who was put in charge of Belet Weyne, the first Somali town captured by Ethiopian forces.
"Anyone who has a gun but is not wearing a government uniform will be targeted as a terrorist."
It really is that simple, and it really is that effective."
4 Mile Creek


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