Friday, December 08, 2006

It couldn’t happen to you ...........

"Hello , what is the meaning of " BAD DAY" ?
Yesterday " Thursday " I had a very bad day , I was in the garage , waiting for the driver , when my neighbor " H" , came to say hello , he was standing near me , and talking with my grandma, suddenly he touched his leg and said " awwwwwwwch " , my grandma thought that he had a muscle spasm , or something like that , but I realized it was more then that , he shouted "it is a bullet" .
A bullet entered his leg, he fell down on the floor , my grandma went inside the house to call his family , no one was in the street , I got panicked and started to cry and shake hysterically, I ran and brought handkerchiefs , and started to put them on his leg , he was bleeding , the driver came to drive me to school , I told him to wait ,"
Days of my Life


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