Thursday, December 07, 2006

Greybeards vs. Turks

"When I read the report from the Iraq Study Group, I was disappointed. I knew there was no magic bullet to solve the current level of sectarian violence, but I thought that there might be some logical suggestions. There are none. Not a one. In fact, the naivety of the report leads me to believe that the entire report was written from Washington DC and the Green Zone.
This report was supposedly a "greybeard" report. The military and State Department have a history of establishing "greybeard" panels as a way to recoup some of the huge expenditure of resources they have made on a General, or CSM, or a Foreign Service officer, over thirty or more years. Why have a less experienced person make mistakes that have already been learned by the senior executives, especially when those mistakes mean lives lost. It's a great idea on paper, and it's been a real help to the US at times."
4 Mile Creek


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