Sunday, December 03, 2006

In My Country There Is Problem

"Too often I have heard Arabs and Muslims blaming their problems on 'the Jews'. I think that these prejudices about Jews stem largely from the way Palestinians have been treated by Israel since 1947 (I will write about this subject in more detail in another post), and I still believe that Arab nationalism only became popular because of the Palestinian Diaspora, but so many Arabs talk about Jews as if all Jews are evil, and in some countries like Saudia Arabia, the demonization of Jews is bizarre. "
Iraqi Mojo
No dude, those rednecks really do want to throw Jew, Cubans, niggers and an just about anyone else "down the well". Don't you remember that story about four or five Arab medical students making their way down to Miami to go to school that stopped at a Denny's in Georgia?

The satire there is that Borat can go in an get people to sing along.

The joke was not about Jews, it was about Rednecks.

Come on now lets all sign along.


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