Sunday, December 03, 2006

Renewing the UN mandate: Maliki's Monopoly of Power

"Thursday, President Bush announced that the U.S. army will "be in Iraq until the job is complete, at the request of a sovereign government elected by the people." I found this statement surprising, but apparently I was not the only one. After reading the Iraqi press and contacting a number of Iraqi members of parliament representing different Sunni, Shia, and secular groups, it became clear that no one from the Iraqi parliament was informed about Mr. Al-Maliki's plans to renew the mandate of multi-national forces in Iraq."
Raed in the Middle
Raed you friends are lying to you. Maliki's letter to the UNSC was published in the papers. I find it kind of hard to believe that these people were going to wait till the last minute, or maybe till after the mandate expired to vote on the matter. Beside that I think their reading of the constitution is flawed. Where they still have the power to influence foreign policy with Maliki is to have a no confidence vote. All they need in the 2/3 majority. Apparently they do not have that, only represent a minority of opinion, and are just spouting sour grapes. As you are.


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