Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Ansar al-Sunna Shifts Its Jihadist Rhetoric

"The Ansar al-Sunna organization—one of the insurgent groups that US ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad had held secret talks with in Amman—has caught up with the talking-points of other jihadist groups such as Al-Qaeda in Iraq and the Islamic Army in Iraq by shifting its jihadist rhetoric from being predominately anti-American towards focusing on the Shi'a threat, as evidenced in a new propaganda video released on the internet this week.

Previously, Ansar al-Sunna had tried to market itself as an anti-occupation and anti-government rebel group that took long strides not to harm civilians. I am not aware of an instance where that they had adopted anti-Shi'a rhetoric prior to this video."
Talisman Gate


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