Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Kerbala and the Shia Rebellion of 1991

"This rare footage shows what happened to Kerbala during the Shia rebellion of 1991. I encourage everybody to watch this short (less than 8 minutes) video, but I would especially like all Arabs and Muslims who believe that no Muslim could ever damage a mosque to watch it. It's also for people who believe that there were no problems between Sunna and Shia before 2003."
Iraqi Mojo

Good try, but you know what the rejectionist will say, that the US caused this conflict. They will talk about how the first Bush administration encouraged the 91 uprising, and make believe like the US created the animosity between the two groups out of whole cloth.

There is a blogger here in the US that witness these events first hand, Abbas Kadhim. He has in the past promised to tell us his story, but he never has. Maybe if enough people were to ask him nicely, he would tell his own personal account of these events, and add the context that no video can convey.


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