Monday, October 02, 2006

Yank Tanks

I was just watching the new show on PBS VOCES. It a series of shows with an Hispanic theme. Tonight's episode was Yank Tanks, it dealt with the cars in modern day Cuba, and how Cubans maintain their fleet of 50's vintage clasic cars.

If your into classic cars you have to watch this show.
It was one of the best TV documentaries on modern day Cuba that I have seen in a long time.

Check your local listings, you won't regret it.
I guess it helps if you speak spanish because I did notice that the english text running along the bottom did not always do exactly some of what the people were saying justice, and may have even actually left out a few choice sentences and phrases. Maybe someone more qualified than me should watch it, and judge. Maybe what was left out was done at the request of the Cuban government, and maybe PBS still has assets on the Island, and so they cooperated... Who know.

But I can assure, if your not Cuban you won't miss a thing, and those few omissions that I saw were, you know political. But the documentary is not political in nature, Its about the Cuban people and their love of cars.
How they manage to maintain them, how private car shops run on the socialist island. The struggle to find spare parts, or how when nothing else is available, hot them make new pars from scratch, or adapt russian parts.

If you follow the link and then click on Yank Tanks there is a short trailer, and you can click to find your local schedule.


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