Monday, October 09, 2006

Off to Baghdad...

"Well this is gonna be my last post from the "Civilized" World. Wish me luck. As you can see, I set up Paypal donate for Amira's plea. I really hope it works. Thanx to all of you who emailed and left comments, I really appreciate your input and advice. Thanx again. I feel kinda strange setting something like that up, but its for a good cause. I also know that it will take alot of trust from people to actually donate, since you dont know me, but this is by no means an obligation. Its just something that I thought we can do to help Amira and her sister E. I have emailed her papers to the NGO, so together with us, I hope the right amount will be collected."
God speed and success Neurotica. I know you will make there and back. your to tough to just die on us.


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