Monday, October 30, 2006

Follow the Drabby T walls...

"The Green Zone...I got two comments in my last post asking me what do we do in the Green Zone and what its like there. Well, I hope I can answer those two questions as much as I can.

Remember the song "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" from the Wizard of Oz story??? Well infact that was one of my favourate childhood songs. The Green Zone reminds me so much of that song, except the lyrics should be changed into "Follow the drabby T walls" and you know you are in the GZ. Ive posted a few months back how its like a prison to many of us who live there, yet its freedom to those who come from the Red Zone. Though what makes every Iraqi cringe, is when you enter the once spectacular Palaces, and see them wrecked. The once glowing marbles have deterioted. The richly done paintings either tarnished or taken. The lavish furniture, either stolen, or torn. Everything, everything that was once regarded by Iraqis as untouchable, has gone, lost its lustre. Nothing was preserved, all the history, all the artefacts GONE..."


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