Abu Ghraib Detainee Tells His Story - 10.03.2006
"Mhyar Abdullah is one of the tens of thousands of men living in Iraq who have been detained and released without charge over the last 4 years of the war in Iraq.Hard to understand how they don't see it. Who abused this guy, the US because they could not confirm his identity, or the Arab society who refused him his identity? Sure he lived between the cracks for very long, using the inherent corruption of Iraq, living a corrupt life.
Mhyar, or Merky, has an especially interesting case, because he is a Palestinian who has lived his entire life in Baghdad, since birth. It seems the Coalition Forces weren’t properly prepared for the circumstances of Iraq’s Palestinian residents. Because Merky is Palestinian, he does not have Iraqi citizenship, and was initially treated as a “foreign fighter” by the Coalition."
Alive in Baghdad
If anything we released him from the chains he carried from birth.
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