Monday, September 04, 2006

TAK is committing political suicide

"TAK (Teyrebazen Azadiya Kürdistan) also known in the English press as the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons recently claimed bomb attacks in Marmaris, Istanbul and Antalya. As a result innocent people were killed.

Last year I witnessed the bombing of a dolmus (Bus) heading to the beach. I was sleeping and suddenly heard a blast. After the attack you could see blown of arms and legs, crying tourists and later on a great show of Turkish nationalism, with Turkish flags hanging everywhere.

Frankly we almost do not know nothing about this new organisation. The Turkish media immediately blames the PKK, but this is “Turkish” speculation. The organisation could have ties with the PKK, but it seems to be a split off. The TAK states on their now offline website: “The Turkish State tries to solve the problem with destruction and denial methods of Kongra-Gel and HPG which take political balances into consideration are weakness, therefore, 1.5 year ago we were separated from the organization and established TAK organization”."
I already denounced their actions on another post, and voiced my opposition to these people at Rasti, just to be on the record


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