Monday, September 04, 2006

The Danish Mohammed Cartoons and the Failed German Train Bombings

"With the attention focused on Great Britain and the disturbing number of operations Scotland Yard has carried out over the last three weeks, few have paid attention to the alleged plot to detonate explosives on German trains. On July 31 German authorities discovered two suitcases filled with explosives on two commuter trains leaving Cologne, coming to the conclusion that only a defect in the detonators prevented a tragedy like those of Madrid or London. Thanks to images captured by surveillance cameras inside the Cologne station, one of the men who had left the suitcases, Youssef Mohamad El Hajdib, was picked up on August 19 in the northern German city of Kiel, while the other, Jihad Hamad, was arrested a few days later in Lebanon."
CT Blog


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