Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Pakistan Expert Discusses Powerful Al Qaeda-Taliban Network in Waziristan

"One of the premier experts in Washington on Pakistan, Alexis Debat of the Nixon Center and ABC News, traveled again to Pakistan last month and gave a briefing yesterday to invitees. Alexis is a daily CTB reader, and we've traded valuable background information and timely intelligence. He met there with numerous government officials and non-governmental personnel, including those in league with the terrorists. His findings and conclusions are extremely troubling, not only for the future of Pakistan but also for the future of a democracy in Afghanistan. It's difficult for me to imagine either country's continuing to serve as an ally with us against Islamic terrorism given the near-permanent Al Qaeda-based network in the Pak western provinces, especially after the recent "peace agreement" between the militants and the Musharraf government."
CT Blog
Move along nothing to see here. Pay no attention to the old man behind the curtains.


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