Friday, September 15, 2006

My Mental Tranquility...

"In a few days I will be leaving the States. I have to admit, apart from the terrible incident I had at the airport, I kinda liked it here. What draws me to the place is the simplicity...The down to earth aura...You are you here, and not what people want you to be or expect you to be... Maybe thats the way I see it cuz I dont know anyone here except for HUBBY ofcourse and his friends...Back home, as in Abu Dhabi, its very different...You have to dress a certain way cuz of who you are, or who your parents are...Kinda like keeping up appearances...And I had to do the same back in London...But now, lets say 2 years back, I just got over that stuff, and found my own individuality...My parents never approved of my sense of dressing... Even as a teenager, they kept critisizing my jeans and tshirt outfits...I even told my mom on my wedding day "Mom, can I wear jeans when the Sheikh comes and marries us???" The horror on her face, I tell you was indescribable...Makes me laugh everytime I remember how her face contours just changed..."


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