Friday, September 15, 2006

Bonjour France!

"Al-Qaeda and the 'Salafi group for call and combat' are joining forces to fight France (Hat Tip: Pajamas)…
Al-Qaida has for the first time announced a union with an Algerian insurgent group that has designated France as an enemy, saying they will act together against French and American interests.
In his video, Al-Zawahri hailed "the joining up" of the GSPC with al- Qaida as "good news."
"All the praise is due to Allah for the blessed union which we ask Allah to be as a bone in the throats of the Americans and French Crusaders and their allies, and inspire distress, concern and dejection in the hearts of the traitorous, apostate sons of France," he said.
Now this makes me wonder, what part of France's policy had lead to this, and what made al-Qaeda consider France an enemy that must be fought and brought into submission?"
Don't worry Omar, France has already taken appropriate action. They raised their terror alert status from the medium level "Run" to the highest level "HIDE".


Blogger madtom said...

France? Who knew. Well if they want it back they can have it.

If you ask me one of our biggest mistakes is that we provide way to much security to Europe, and we do it in the background. We should sit around and do nothing till the Russian tanks are in the passes, or the pirates are taking the ships, then wait for them to ask for the security, or just let them handle it themselves. That way they would see what it takes.

5:41 PM  

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