Saturday, September 16, 2006



Fitnah, is one of these words that I find difficult to translate succinctly; perhaps there is an English synonym unknown to me. Fitnah is sawing discord that results in conflict and violent antagonism. But in Arabic the word has much stronger connotation. There is a verse in the holy Koran that contains the following expression: “Fitnah is worse than murder”. What is happening in the land of the two rivers right now is one of the worst Fitnahs in our long eventful history. We have known in the past, persecution, intimidation and murder; but that was always organized and perpetrated by the state and its repressive organs. We have never seen though, neighbor turning against neighbor and friend upon his erstwhile friend, even kin against kin; not in our recent history at any rate. The Cancer is spreading and the Plague is raging. The atrocities committed are of unimaginable horror."
The Mesopotamian
Alaa unplugged, like we have not seen him do in a long time.

For all the "I know we are winning this war, because my commander said we are" crowd, this and all Alaa's future post should be required reading.

Hey and Alaa actually recommends a story I posted here a few days ago. said he had some inside information. Can't wait to hear him expand.


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