Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Yeah... Good Luck On That, Lebanon...

"I swear, France has done a bang-up job of creating Hizbullah's expectations for the rest of the Western world..."
Tanker Brothers
You know I know it's a fine line, but one I think we have to walk.
We have to put people and supplies on the ground in Lebanon, we can not abandon the battle field to Hizbollah. There has to be an effort to alleviate the suffering of the Lebanese people and that effort has to be clearly marked as coming from America. We should be handing out Gallons of fuel and boxes of food, all stenciled with the American flag, so people can move and feed their families, and know just who stepped up to the plate for them.

Imagine the disaster if the only people on the ground helping the displaced is Hizbollah!

And on the government side we need to show clear support for the government of PM Siniora, and that support has to be visible to the people of Lebanon.

I think the government and the people of Lebanon have already learned the lesson that ignoring the terrorist Hizbollah has serious consequents. All we need to do now is show them that there are other options available and that not all is lost.


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