Monday, August 28, 2006

Back On Line

"I am back in Kuwait, awaiting a C-130 ride to Baghdad. The two weeks I had with my family was great, topping it off was the delivery of my son, Joshua, in the front seat of our Nissan Pathfinder, about 15 minutes out from the hospital on Fort Carson. Just me, my wife, and Joshua, there on the side of the road. Great story, but I never want to do that again. As a former EMT, I knew what to do, but when it's your wife, and your son, there's a lot more nervousness. Anyway, both were fine within minutes of the delivery, and the 911 operator who tried to help, was a bit too late with the advise, as baby was in Mom's arms by the time I could make the call. I do want to thank the Colorado Springs Fire Department (first to arrive) Colorado Springs Police (next to arrive) and the Ambulance Service (last, but still no more than maybe 4 or 5 minutes time, total, from 911 call to arrival) for their help. In the end, baby and Mom only needed some O2, a blanket, and a safer ride to the hospital than what I could provide after the birth, shaking as I was."
4 Mile Creek
Congrats! Have a cigar.


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