Sunday, July 30, 2006

Is Viktor B. Flying for Somali Islamists?

"Twice in one week the airport at Mogadishu, Somalia, was the scene of something almost unseen in the past decade-the landing of two large Soviet-era IL-76 cargo planes, among the biggest in the world, capable of carryng more than 50 tons in its hold. The airport is under the control of the Islamis militias that are intent on turning Somalia into an Islamic nation governed by a radical vision of what sharia law implies. Few flights have landed there at all in the past decade.
News reports from the scene said the aircraft unloaded large amounts of boxes believed to be weapons, into the waiting trucks of the Islamist militias. Little more could be garnered because the militiamen drove off onlookers and journalists."
Counterterrorism Blog
Oh great, our good friend Putin is at it again, arming any and all our enemies. Putin is restarting the cold war, but I suspect that this time around, it's going to get hotter than it ever did in the past.


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