Monday, June 05, 2006

Tics in Politics; the slicing and dicing!

""Politics is made up of two words; 'Poli' which in Greek means 'Many', and 'Tics', which are bloodsucking insects" Gore Vidal.

It's really funny, thinking of how long the world has been fighting over "The Iraqi Cake" or "The Iraqi Pizza". The fight has been going on for about as far in history as anybody can recall. But the interesting part, which concerns me and probably concerns every Iraqi, is Modern History. Most notably, Iraq has been an arena where the United States and the United Kingdom fought over spheres of influence in the Middle East since the end of WWI.
In the post WWI era, Iraq was decidedly a British Mandate, and so it was announced by the League of Nations. Then Iraq was independent in theory,"
Thought Riot


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