Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The war against terror

"After the 11/9/2001 events in New York and Washington the world discovered that the terrorist groups which were supported by the USA (Taliban and Al-Qaeda) are behind these attacks. Every one thereafter realized that the Wahabi ideology was behind the terrorist attacks in many parts of the world. The Wahabism twined by the Al-Saud family was supported and brought to power and dominance in the Arabian Peninsula by the Britain more than 70 years ago.

America and its allies led a war against the terrorism in Afghanistan and toppled the regime of Taliban that once it was supported by it. Indeed the USA helped that regime to come into power and deposited the previous more moderate regime. The war was and remained unequal and by using hi-Tec and very strong power against weaker targets. The USA therefore deposited the regime of Taliban and forced the Qaeda members like UBL to flee to the mountains. However the USA and its allies were unable to achieve victory and terminate the whole nets and its members. This is partly due to the failure of the large power to finish small and changeable (ghostly) targets. Once again and for the long run the doctrine which feed the terrorism with hate and mental drive remained untouched."


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