Friday, May 19, 2006

Iraqi mayor welcomes home troops

COLORADO SPRINGS — In a speech this morning to recently returned troops from the 3rd Armored Cavalry in Fort Carson, an Iraqi mayor thanked the soldiers for securing his city of Tel Afar and asked the American public to support the mission in his war-torn country.
Mayor Najim Al Jibouri patted his hand on his heart and made the peace sign as a crowd of soldiers and their families gave him a standing ovation.

"Are you truly my friends?" he asked through a translator. "Yes. I walk a happier man because you are my friends. You are the world to me. I smell the sweet perfume that emanates from your flower of your strength, honor and greatness in every corner of Tel Afar. The nightmares of terror fled when the lion of your bravery entered our city."

The mayor was the centerpiece of a welcoming home of troops from the 3rd ACR. The soldiers stood stiffly in the hot sun and listened to remarks from generals and colonels who praised their bravery and dedication to the mission in Iraq.
Rocky Mountain News


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