Tuesday, May 09, 2006

In Iraq's Army, Winds of Change

"Originally published by the New York Times on March 23rd, 2006

The winds are high today. They’re coming in from the west, perhaps originating over the Mediterranean or the Red Sea, kicking up the detritus from ages of warfare and history across this desert landscape, then gaining momentum until they reach me and swirl the dust around my feet.

I get the impression many Americans back home wonder just how much their soldiers are actually working with Iraqi soldiers. After all, the sooner Iraqi forces are able to handle the security of their own country without our help, the sooner we come home, right? You might hear about the number of Iraqis we’re training, but the news is so muddled you’re not sure what to believe. Let me tell you what I’ve seen, which is a pretty good barometer of the rest of the country. In fact, the closer you get to the “nucleus” of coalition forces, Baghdad, the more integration you find. "
Wordsmith at War


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