Friday, May 05, 2006

I Do Not Have Pictures To Show To My Children!

"It just hit me that I don’t see Baghdad anymore. I mean the real Baghdad. You know, you hear about the destruction and security deterioration and see it in Baghdad [that’s where I live.] but when it comes very close to you, it is different.

I used to drive up to 90 miles/per hour on the main street near my house. When I return home late, I need to speed up to lose any possible cars following me. It is not a high way, but it is empty when it’s late at night. I fly back home, I don’t drive. [smile]

Since a few weeks ago, this street is no longer empty. The Iraqi army set up permanent checkpoints on the street. It looks horrible. Jersey walls were put in the middle of the street to zigzag the cars driving there, I’m talking about the three meter cement barriers not the short ones. Also, they built this kind of an isolated fake rooms where they can ask people to abandon there cars and be body-searched. It now looks like a military post in the middle of a civil area. It is so depressing to see that the place where I grew in is turning into some strange place. It is strange."
24 Steps to Liberty


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