Saturday, May 06, 2006

Good evening

"I arrived in New York two days ago from Washington, where we finished a testimony session in front of the Congress to talk about Iraq, the war on Iraq, and the sufferings of the Iraqis for more than three years now.
Of course, the absence of the (dense) Congress members from the session made me sad, and angry. I asked the present Congress members: Why are the seats of the others empty? I want to meet them and ask them why did they start the war on Iraq, and why did they kill the Iraqis. They must face the responsibility for their actions, they should be here for us to see them.
But- they didn't show up.
And as usual I say: What Is the use of speaking about Iraq, the war on it, and the suffering of the Iraqis in front of people who are against the war and the occupation in the first place?
And what explanation could be given for the Bush-group attitude, those who didn't attend? Was it an embarrassment and a defeat, or an indifference and impertinence?
I think the second probability is the more suitable. They do not care for people's opinion, not in Iraq, nor in America. As long as they hold power, wealth, and decision- making in their hands, why should they care?"
A Family in Baghdad


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