Sunday, May 14, 2006

Alien Roaming The Green Zone...

"Believe it or not, I actually cant wait to leave...Ironic isnt it...Atmosphere at work has become kinda morbid...Im counting the days now....Havent packed yet but did the " I want this shirt, I dont want this top" kinda thing....Still didnt find out whether I can ship directly to where Im heading to....Oh and listen to this...I call the guy who is responsible for packages and stuff, and asked him whats the procedure for a british citizen to mail stuff..."Oh sorry ma'am, if you dont hold a US citizenship, you cant..." Huh!!! What do you mean??? I ask in total jaws drop down...Well these are the rules ma'am...Where are you shipping your stuff to???I say the Emirates (had the urge to say Emigrates, since thats what LTC nice guy used to call it,lol)

Say that again the guy mumbles...The Emirates..The UAE...Oh wheres that the guys asks...hmm, now what am I supposed to tell this man, who first tells me I have to be US then tells me he has no clue of where the Emirates is...pointless conversation I mumble to myself...Then an idea came to me...Ok but HUBBY is a US citizen I say..."Heyyyyyy thats great" he said with total if i just said Im married to the president....hmm ok..its either me or this guy is nuts....So I say ok, but how will this solve my problem of shipping to the Emigrates...where??? he asks on the other end of the phone...I mean the Emirates...sorry...."
Neurotic Iraqi Wife


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