Tuesday, February 14, 2006


"Hey Gang. Weve been on the road a lot these past few days and all is going well. Blogger is giving me hell and doesn’t allow me to sign on but I have my ways but still cant add a photo or the post I had for today so it will be posted next time.

The Marines are doing very well along with the Iraqi’s who are gradually coming up to speed and taking things on themselves. Throughout our travels and as a light at the end of the tunnel begins to appear you come to forget some of the basic things you might take for granted back in the states. Besides the obvious, running water, cars and economic structure that allow you to buy anything you want just about anytime of the day, you forget about what’s it like to do the basic things that use to be common practice. Hot water in the shower is a nice thing. Radio stations, TV other than DVDs and FOX news and some crazy Haji station. Having not to decide what you’re going to wear because you’ve worn the exact same color all year, something out of an Einstein story as he would always wear the same clothes so he could eliminate that problem of his day. Yes wearing blue jeans and shoes other than the slipper formed combat boot may be a shocker. Traffic lights, adjacent traffic, cars besides armored hummers, crowded places and all with out a gun or two or close air support clearing your way??"
One Marines View


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