Tuesday, February 14, 2006


DARTH CHENEY....From Byron York over at NRO:

So far, the vice president seems determined not to make any public statement about the hunting accident. Spokeswoman McBride points out that Cheney has a previously-scheduled speaking engagement this Friday, at the Wyoming state legislature. It seems likely that he would at least mention it then. But as far as today, tomorrow, or Thursday goes, there seems, at the moment at least, to be no plan to have Cheney say anything.

This is just flat out insane. What on earth is he thinking?
There's still nothing from the man himself, but a few minutes ago the VP's office finally issued a terse and bureaucratic statement saying that Cheney had been passed a note about Harry Whittington's post-shooting heart attack and "stood ready to assist." The statement ends with a pro forma declaration that "The Vice President said that his thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Whittington and his family."
This is now way beyond bizarre. Does the White House think that reinforcing the VP's "Darth Cheney" image is helpful in some way? That it's better if the world thinks he's callous and insensitive? Or what?"
Washington Monthly
I have to laugh at this..hehe, but on a serious note, what happens if the old fool dies?

Update Drudge answers my question:

"NYT: CHENEY FACES GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION IF MAN DIES... In Texas, Carlos Valdez, the district attorney in Kleberg County, said a fatality would immediately spur a new report from the local sheriff and, most likely, a grand jury investigation... MORE... Drudge

Make sure you stay tuned to Drudge for the latest


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