Saturday, February 18, 2006

The 7 rules of the A.P.U.!

"On yesterday post Jeffery left me a comment describing a phenomenon he noticed over the past 3 years of viewing middle-eastern news, something he referred to as the A.P.U., the Arab Parallel Universe. This universe was created by Arabs to explain to themselves why they are in the rut they have been for so long, while also glorifying their personal victories against a world that is always conspiring against them. In the A.P.U. events that happen in our real universe also occur, except that the fashion of their occurrence and their outcome are very different then what we- in the real universe-know them to be. It amazed me that he came to that conclusion, since it brilliantly summed up something that I have been trying to describe for years. I immediately told all my family and friends about it and upon their realization that we are all citizens of the A.P.U., they started giving me examples and evidence of that geographic phenomenon. In this post I will try to explain some of the rules of the A.P.U., and list examples of them for the sake of explaining to the rest of the world the rules of our very fun parallel Universe."
Thanks to the boys at IBC for alerting me to this post. My membership dues must be late or something because as it turns out I was the last one in the universe, APU not withstanding, to have seen it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for your generous donation to Iraqi Bloggers Central. The newsletter with the "APU for Dummies" is in the mail. The next issue will feature our clever "APU for Dhimmis."

Heh heh.

The Boys at IBC say hello to one of our old friends!


9:29 PM  

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