US Army forces 50,000 soldiers into extended duty
"WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - The U.S. Army has forced about 50,000 soldiers to continue serving after their voluntary stints ended under a policy called "stop-loss," but while some dispute its fairness, court challenges have fallen flat.Can you say, "backdoor draft" it's not a volunteer force any more.
The policy applies to soldiers in units due to deploy for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The Army said stop-loss is vital to maintain units that are cohesive and ready to fight. But some experts said it shows how badly the Army is stretched and could further complicate efforts to attract new recruits."
The fine print gets you every time. Amazingly these same people vote republican because of their "values" and because they support the troops.... I think we should take away their x-box, and make them read the paper.
yes but they have continued to do this through out this entire campaign. There was that excuses you just gave back at the beginning, but now. NOW three years into this thing they can't manage to fill the slots with people that will be in it for the duration? Come on Will who you trying to con.
I am sure that there are those who can't wait to get back, and they have every opportunity to sign up again, there are even big signing bonuses, in the neighborhood of $10,000, there should be no reason whatsoever to be stop-loosing people at this stage of the game.
While they were training and arming shouldn't someone have checked to see if anyone was short?
If I sound condescending is because it pisses me off something fierce when the man sticks it to you. And come on 50,000 people that's half the force, it's not the few and the proud, it's more like the most fucked.
I'm not sure where your rant comes from, you keep, I don't know, reading right from a talking points.
"Your opinion of "their" intelligence and judgment is pretty surprising--"
" Maybe particularly those who serve?"
" I choose to think they are mostly honorable and noble people and deserve to be honored"
"ignorant boobs who have been 'victimized"
"'I don't blame these poor, dumb country boys and girls who respond the the simplistic patriotism of their redneck fathers and don't have the benefit of the more sophisticated and liberally educated"
"part because the society they return to is unappreciative and denigrating"
This is all straight out of some book they must pass out. I have looked to see where I wrote anything that would justify such a response. I'm going to have to start asking you to "quote" where I said anything of the like.
Now I know that this is a standard response, I hear it all the time, but I don't see where it fits in here.
"Let's thin..when have we seen that before?"
And that was a product of your generation not mine.
Lets say your right and only 12000 people are being stopped losses, "drafted" for 4 months. Why then exactly do you need them, it's only 12000 out of 1 million, I don't see the necessity of holding them in. Just replace them with all those that are lining up to go instead? and I remind you again, we are three years into this conflict, don't the high ups over there have a calendar, can't they count. Regardless of how much experience someone has should we not respect their wish to resign, if they have not reuped, I assume they want to resign, would it not be better to offer those highly experienced people the chance to train the newbies, to pass some of that experience along.
Their were benefits to the all volunteer force, don't we lose some of that benefit when we hold people back.
The reason I speak out is not because I hate the troops or think they are stupid, it's because they are voiceless in our system, or at least should remain that way.
Let's take a look at what you think of those that do speak up to defend their own rights. You said about them:
"who do cry and moan--"
Funny I never thought of someone standing up to defend their rights quite in that way. What else did you say:
" bring suit"
Oh that just awful, we need to reform that shit so they cant do that again.
"are the ones who get the articles written about them and are held up by a certain type of people"
Oh god I almost think you used the "L" you language. This is a family site.
"That is the con and just another front to undermine the effort "
Their terrible, something needs to be done to stop these freaks
"without regard to any consequences"
Stupid aren't they, they just don't understand like we do.
"Tear down the effort, the military, those who serve in it"
OH my that's almost treason, who do these people think they are asking for what's theirs and their rights and all.
So you can see why it's easier if I stand up and rant, you cant really attack me, you can call me names but it wont affect my job or my performance, nor will my higher ups look down on my with a big frown, I won't be passed up for promotion. You see why it's so much easier for me to rant.
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