Wednesday, December 21, 2005

UK, critics both claim victory in Iraq abuse case

"LONDON (Reuters) - The government and its opponents both claimed victory on Wednesday after a court ruling on allegations of British soldiers mistreating Iraqi civilians.

Lawyers for the family of an Iraqi hotel worker, alleged to have been beaten to death by British soldiers, said the judgement made clear European human rights legislation applied to the treatment of detainees in British military custody in Iraq.

They said this meant a full and independent inquiry into the accusations of torture and abuse must now take place.

"The government must follow the court's very clear ruling that the military system of investigation and prosecution in torture and abuse cases is fundamentally flawed," lawyer Phil Shiner said.

But the Ministry of Defence noted the Appeal Court had also said it would be premature to determine whether the government had breached human rights laws until a court martial -- due to begin late next year -- had been completed."


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