Thursday, August 04, 2005

Stephen Vincent

"Now obviously these guys work with me and the US Army, so if they think the occupation is the biggest problem in Iraq than they are hypocrites. To them the biggest problems are crime and corruption, the former which was much worse in post occupation Iraq, and the later which has changed very little, even with the new government. They also discussed the same contracting problems that I tried to bring up with my superiors. I told my superiors of the stories I heard from many Iraqis saying that the bidding is fixed and prearranged between a certain group of contractors... My words go unheeded. I am stuck on the FOB and I cannot prove such meetings and coordination occur. Meanwhile my superiors do not believe these things because the individuals telling me are involved in minor contracts and my superiors therefore think (not unreasonably) that these claims are made for personal benefit."
What's the Truth?


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