Saturday, July 16, 2005

I'm not the only juvenile diabetic in the military :)

"Staff Sergeant Mark Thompson convinced the Army that having type 1 diabetes shouldn't keep him from serving in Iraq.

Thompson, 28, is an Iowa native. He’s been married for nine years and has a son, Kyle, who’s two years old. He’s always had something of a travel bug, and it was this desire to see the world that inspired Thompson to join the Army.

That, and the stories he heard from his college roommate -- an older student who had served in the Vietnam War. As Thompson listened, the Army started to sound like an adventure. Thompson also needed money for college, so in 1996, he signed on for four years, expecting to do his time and then finish his education.

But Thompson never went back to school. He had found his place, and it was in the Army. He was a “lifer.”

Then in 2000, Thompson began losing a lot of weight. He felt thirsty and tired all the time. One morning he collapsed during a run. When Thompson made it to the hospital, his glucose level was over 600. The doctors told him he had type 1 diabetes."


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