Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A Quiet Turning Point in Iraq?

"But this week the AMS finally had enough of terrorism, calling for an investigation into a shallow mass grave found outside Baghdad containing the bodies of 20 men, killed execution-style. Why the change of heart? The men in the grave are believed to be Sunni Arabs – and it wasn’t the American “infidels” that put them in the ground. The violence that the Sunni Arab Terrorists have visited upon the Shiites and Kurds is, increasingly, being reciprocated. It is tempting to speculate that a turning point has quietly been reached in Iraq.

The American occupation of Iraq was condemned loudly by many Sunni Arabs as the worst of all possibilities. However, two months into Iraq’s first fairly elected government, the Sunni Arabs have found someone they dread more than Uncle Sam: their fellow Iraqis. The Shiite dominated government is becoming increasingly aggressive in its efforts to end the insurgency, and unlike the American forces, they aren’t worried about the op-ed page of the New York Times as they go about the ugly business of War. In a remarkable piece from the AP, many Sunni leaders practically pined for the good old days when they were just fighting Americans.

The new Iraqi Government forces are not clamping down on the whole populace or conducting random searches at roadblocks, either. They are singling out the Sunni Arabs for extra attention as if they had never heard of the horrors of “ethnic profiling.” Apparently, you can only massacre people in the streets for a year or two before they start taking it personally.

America has always been blessed by having stupid adversaries. This is fortunate, since oftentimes our Wars seem to be a race to stupid that America only narrowly loses. In Iraq, again, we have been blessed with stupid foes. The only hope the Sunni Arabs have of winning their insurgency in the long-term, is to unite a plurality of Iraqis behind their false banner of fighting the “foreign occupier.”

If, on the other hand, the non-Sunni Arab majority of Iraqis decide to unite behind the elected government and fight, the Sunni Arabs are doomed to defeat –and perhaps much worse. Yet the open strategy of the so-called insurgents is to start a civil war with Shiites and Kurds. The insurgents have set off car bomb after car bomb at Kurdish sites and Shiite Mosques, assassinated prominent Shiite leaders, and allied themselves with foreign anti-Shiite zealots such as Abu Musab “Kill Iraqis to Save Iraq” Al-Zarqawi.

Such major mistakes by our enemy are even more important than they should be, because America – burdened by a media establishment that trumpets only our mistakes – is incompetent in the propaganda aspects of War. Even when right, we seem unable to demoralize foes and inspire allies. But we don’t have to inspire our own allies in Iraq. Our enemies have that covered."
Human Events Online
And I thought it was just me. I only wish I could point my finger at something and say, you see this is making a difference.
If I were to guess I think I would start with that report I posted earlier about Iran closing it borders, and of course the operation at the Syrian border, but there are so many other factors at work right now that to try to pick just one don't seem reasonable. It's probably a combination, a little of this and a little of that. Whatever, I hope the trend continues moving in this direction.


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