Monday, June 20, 2005

Mad Canuck:

"Mad Canuck:

"Let's imagine we decided to make a small change in the police force here in New York City: instead of driving police cars, have them drive around in Brinks armored trucks with a million dollars in cash in the back of each. And, whenever they go out on foot patrol, we'd make them carry thousands of dollars worth of diamonds in their pocket. And, while we're at it, we'll store a sizeable stash of gold bullion in every police station.""
A Star from Mosul
When I read this, I wanted to quote different paragraph, and I guess it kind of exposes the personal bias that we all have when we read and quote. But I leave it as a game for us all to play. Go and read and tell me which paragraph you would choose to link this story. I already have mine and I'm going to post it in the comments. First place winner will receive a million dollars.


Blogger madtom said...

"If you are a terrorist and want to lash out at the "Great Satan", you don't need to send people all the way to the US - you can just load up a car full of explosives, drive across the border to Iraq, and find your target driving around in Humvees."

8:30 AM  

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