Monday, May 23, 2005

Saddam trial and not pictures which is important

"The number of Iraqis killed by the terrorists since April 2005 increased to at least 550 civilians. On the same time the number of the insurgents captured and their weapons confiscated increased. The largest operation by the Iraqi forces with the support of US forces against the terrorists’ nets carried out in the West of Baghdad yesterday. It resulted in arresting 300 insurgents and the seizure of lot of weapons and explosives. On the same time a suicidal thug attacked a restaurant in Thawra (Shiite) city north Baghdad. Several people killed and at least hundred wounded."

hammorabi-cow Posted by Hello

Hey, maybe now we can get PETA in the picture. Just look, they are now mistreating cows, PETA should condemn the actions of these terrorist now, I know most people could care less what they do to the Iraqis, but cows, come on, the poor cows are suffering and they need your support. Give what you can to help alleviate the cows suffering in Iraq. Do your part to bring peace and posterity to all the cows in the world.


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