Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bahrainis are educated, refuse to accept despotism

"Nicholas Kristof to King Hamad: Release My Friend! "Among those whom you’re imprisoning in Bahrain is a friend of mine. He is an artist, one of the most gentle souls alive, and my deepest fear is that your government may be brutalizing him because of his friendship with me.

Your Majesty, I’m speaking of Hassan al-Sahaf. Now 57, he studied in Britain and then in Los Angeles, Boston and in Oregon, where my mother taught art history — and Hassan became one of my mother’s all-time favorite students. That was 30 years ago, but we have remained in touch ever since."
Iraqi Mojo

Someone should write a song "what do we do with a country called Bahrain"

What do we do Mojo, what to do. Even I hate to post bad news from Bahrain, I have nightmares of walking for miles in the hot sun to get to work, or sweating all night with no AC....Should we be scared that the evil Shi'a will take over and cut our energy supplies, Shi'a mongering and all that. We hate the tyrants we want them all gone, but these are our tyrants the ones that have held up their side of the bargain for all these years. Will the Shi'a be as trusty as our old friendly tyrants?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best thing that could happen for our economy, short of Obama impeachment, would be for the destruction of ME oil fields. Recent discoveries of new huge fields in the Dakotas, Texas, etc. and development of new drilling tech proves our ability to be entirely energy independent for at least 200 years, and that's proven oil reserves oil alone. There is certain to be much more in the US and huge amounts elsewhere. Do as T Boone proposes and convert cargo transport to nat gas and we have at least a thousand year of supply. The claim that oil is a finite resource is a proven lie. Guarantee oil producers 60 dollar per barrel and see unemployment become a thing of the past--- assuming you can get our feminized male population to take up welding, drilling, etc. End unemployment insurance and they will find their testes.

3:15 PM  

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